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free market 自由市場。

free masonry

Since entering the wto , thailand has consistently followed the rules and regulations of wto . in order for thailand to conform to the wto , the country has amended some of its economic and trade , and administrative laws , new legislation has been introduced and the old ones were abolished . in addition to the conformation to the wto ' s requirement , these changes in economic and trade law also suit the free market systems nationally and globally 泰國自加入wto后,一直認真履行世界貿易組織協定的義務和泰國的承諾,同時充分享受其權利和待遇,在執行wto各類相關協議的過程中對泰國的經濟貿易法律、行政法規和規章進行了全面清理,廢除、修改和頒布了一系列新法律、行政法規和規章,使其既符合世界貿易組織規定,又符合泰國的市場經濟體制和對外貿易法律體系與規則。

With the trend of the integration of the global economy , the rapid development of the free market and the complicated and diversified key accounts “ needs and wants , the competition among the enterprises to get the key accounts become more intensified , because the key accounts play an important role to make a company survive and develop strategically 面對全球經濟一體化、市場經濟的快速發展、大客戶的需要復雜多變的趨勢,企業對大客戶的爭奪越來越激烈,這是因為大客戶對企業的生存和發展具有十分重大的戰略意義。

The market can be many different structures according to the degree to which the standard is controlled . if no one control the network , then it may be in the free market because many entrants can crowd in ; if only a few control the network , it may be oligarchy ; if one company control the network , it may be monopoly 如果標準沒有被任何人控制,那么,眾多的企業將涌入市場,市場就可能處于一種完全競爭的狀態;浙江大學博士學位論文如果標準被少數企業所控制,那么市場就可能處于一種寡頭壟斷狀態;如果標準被單一的企業所控制,那么市場就有可能形成單一的壟斷結構。

The emergence of a china as a power that is stable , open , and non - aggressive , that embraces free markets , political pluralism , and the rule of law , that works with us to build a secure international order - that kind of china , rather than a china turned inward and confrontational , is deeply in the interests of the american people 我們可從他們的成長中獲益,把我們出產的商品賣給世界各地的消費者,自美國的創新、生產力及勤奮中獲利,不過只有在他們的市場對我們的產品開放,我們的市場也對他們的產品開放下才能如此。

The paper has submitted three main points with respect to the enterprises development strategy , which are the strategy for our two type enterprises in related with the two types of global enterprises , the choice for chinese enterprises encountering the free market , and the strategy measures for our enterprises to increase the constitutional management after wto 針對企業發展戰略對策,本文提出三方面的突出論點,即:跨國公司兩種全球分工戰略與中國兩型企業策略;市場開放與中國企業戰略選擇; wto時代提升企業制度化管理的戰略途徑。

Confronting with the trend of the integration of world economy , rapid development of free market and the various customer demands , many firms feel the intensification and cruelty of market competitions . generally speaking , the supply and demand of the china market changes from shortage to relative overproduction , which leads to the fundamental change in the relationship between firms and customers 在價值評價的基礎上,界定了目標客戶群體:一是年平均儲蓄余額在10萬元以上的用戶;二是報刊訂閱、速遞、廣告、物流業務每年實現業務收入在5萬元以上的用戶;三是每年為企業創造收入在5萬元以上的用戶。

If we continue on our road , we can influence others to move in the right direction : democracy , free trade and free markets . we can see that other countries lacking in trust and vision are struggling to move forward because too much of the old thinking still remains 我鼓勵所有美國人在家中、宗教場所或社區中心聚集一堂,分享親善友好的精神與共同祈禱,為上帝賜予我們的眾多恩典表達衷心的感謝,并將真誠的友誼之手伸向所有組成美國這個大家庭,在這塊土地上所有的兄弟姊妹們。

Well - established institutions and infrastructure are particularly important to the development of the services sector in a free market . for example , we are studying the case for and the feasibility of a business park in order to meet the present and future land infrastructure needs of the service and other industries . we are also conducting a study on manpower and training requirements of the tourist industry . another manpower study on the information technology industry will start shortly 例如我們正研究香港是否需要商業園及其可行性,以滿足服務及其他行業現在及未來在土地基建上的需求;我們正就旅游業的人力和培訓需求進行研究,另一個有關資訊科技行業的人力研究亦將展開;我們亦正開始籌備檢討政府在促進外來投資方面的工作并提出改善措施。

Centering on this theme , this paper lays out its discussion in the following five aspects ; 1 . the raising of the value chain concept in this part of the paper , combining historical sight with the reality of the then usa , analysis is made on the background for the raising of the value chain concept . in the so - called most developed free market economy country usa , enterprises were subjected to the strict control of the government 為了使圍繞價值鏈的構造和其構造的戰略基礎研究的目的和目標更加明確,有必要或應當將另一積極活躍的價值管理領域的理論和方法融入價值鏈的建構研究之中,為此本文特辟專章簡述了該領域的經濟增加值(即eva )的概念以及它的會計和財務的簡明計算方法: eva =稅后凈經營利潤-占用資本資本成本率、期望的未來eva的現值= npv 。

The current interest in melatonin is wintnessed by the growing number of scientific papers directly or indirectly dealing with this molecule , in the last 10 years , the mean number of articles has doubled and reports on new compounds acting at the melatonin receptors abound , although the search for a clear therapeaatic role for these ligands is still under way beside the scientific interest , there is a contemporary , but largely independent , explosion of a free market of various products containing mt , which have been presented at antiage agents protecting against differe kinds of injuries , although this action still lacks a solid scientific foundation . indeed while a number of physiological action of mt are coming to light , the exact role and the the real therapeutic benefit of this compound still remain unclear , both have been the subject of debate . with a lot of potential actions still to be fully demonstrated and with some mechanisms deserving more clarification , in sense , the appellation of the hormone of darkness , attributed to mt beacause of its characteristic concentration / time profile , seems extremely appropriate 除科學興趣以外,也有暫時的,在很大程度上不可靠的有關各種含有mt的產品開發的探索,如出現的保護多種損傷的抗衰老劑。盡管這些產品的作用仍缺少堅實的科學基礎,事實上當mt的許多生理作用研究清楚后,這種物質的確切作用和真實的治療效果仍不得而知。有許多潛在的作用需要充分論證,有些機理需要進一步區分,在某種意義上說,稱mt為黑暗激素,主要是由于在某一時間的特定濃度分布似乎更合適。

The thesis is developed as follows : from the analysis of market failure theory , government failure theory and some theories related to non - profit organizations , the thesis demonstrates that the market is the major force of resource deployment in the service provision to sme in free market economics while government and non - profit organizations are two other indispensable forces . meanwhile , the thesis points out the selection of alternative service providers under several typical market failures 論文具體論述思路如下:首先從市場失靈、政府失靈以及同非營利組織相關的理論出發,說明在市場經濟條件下,在中小企業服務供給中,市場是資源配置的主體,但是政府和非營利組織同樣是不可或缺的兩個主體構成,同時指出在市場失靈的幾種典型的情況下,服務供給的有效替代主體選擇。

Traditionally people in china shop in shanghai . however , hong kong should position itself as a huge duty - free market for trading , tourism , financial and logistics services . with its deep - water port and internationally acclaimed airport , hong kong provides the perfect infrastructure for such a development 誠然,中國大陸的人民習慣在上海購物,但香港擁有水深的港口,機場斐聲國際,正可以發展成為龐大的免稅市場,提供貿易、金融和物流服務,商機無處不在。

The author proposes four points about the consequence of globalization : 1 ) the hegemonial nature of free market ; 2 ) the declining and maintaining of multi - culture ; 3 ) the instrumental rationality of globalization dividing the whole personality of human nature ; 4 ) nationalism under the tide of globalization 關于全球化的結果,作者提出四點: ( 1 )市場的霸權性質; ( 2 )多元文化的消失與維護; ( 3 )全球化的工具理性割裂性的完整人格; ( 4 )全球化浪潮中的民族主義。

But in china , people get used to the life of monopoly with insufficient competition . this sensibility somehow distorts the logic of studying . there are so more criticism of free market competition , in the while we are lacking of advocate to it 由于中國長期以來存在的競爭不足和廣泛存在的壟斷現象,導致人們并不習慣看到激烈市場競爭引起的優勝劣汰,尤其是當許多企業被激烈的市場競爭所淘汰時,對市場的感性甚至影響到經濟研究的理性。

The different evaluations toward takeover mean different opinions on anti - takeover . the author holds that it is difficult to evaluate the value of anti - takeover as well as takeover and actually both are actions in the free market so they cannot be strictly limited by the legislation 本文認為,收購的利弊仍難以定論,而相伴相生的反收購的價值也不能簡單地否定或肯定,收購與反收購的實質是對公司控制權的爭奪,是一種中性的市場行為。

By forging networks of people and institutions working together to preserve freedom , promote democracy and build free markets , pfp today is a catalyst for transforming central and eastern europe , much as the marshall plan transformed western europe in the 40s and 50s 家父在我出生前即已去逝,繼父由于貪杯,無法克盡父職,所以我從本身的經歷就可體會到人生的艱難。對所有的父親而言,當父親并不容易,且每一個父親都會犯錯。

Nevertheless , they encourage producers directly or indirectly to use more local content and break the reasonable allocation of resources on the base of free market . then they prevent international trade from developing healthily 它直接或間接地鼓勵生產商更多地使用區域內的當地成分,人為破壞了資源基于市場配置基礎的自然流動,降低了資源的使用效率,進而阻礙了國際貿易的健康發展。

The goal of reform is to change state - owned enterprises into lawful entities which are characterized by definite property , and to build up a modern enterprise system whish is compatible with the free market economy 改革的目的,是將國有企業改造成“產權清晰、權責明確、政企分開、管理科學”的自主經營、自負盈虧的法人實體和市場主體,建立起符合市場經濟體制要求的現代企業制度。

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